Our approach
- together
- professional
- quality first
- unique
Verico SCE (Societas Cooperative Europaea), is a European cooperative based in Bavaria. We have an organisation structure that is unique among accredited verification bodies. Our members from several EU member countries are all small enterprises and freelancers. We use the legal form of a cooperative to provide accredited services and to provide a platform for multi-sectoral services. As members we are all owners of verico SCE and every one of us has an inherent interest in delivering high-quality services that exceed the clients’ expectations.
he individual members of the cooperative act as independent experts and auditors, who are committed to our quality, in accordance with our quality standards laid down in the Articles of Association and the Quality Manual.
The cooperative itself provides some shared resources. The verification body ensures the accreditation of verico SCE, ensures the internal controls of audits, and the professional development of the cooperative members. For example, verico SCE, is globally the only accredited cooperative in the areas of ISO 14065 and ISO 50001.
General administrative activities and also the management are carried out by internal service contracts at the registered office of the cooperative in Langenbach in Germany. Verico SCE is controlled by the Supervisory Board, which currently consists of four members from three EU member states.
In strict compliance with the principle either certify or advise, we support businesses, industry, governments and non-governmental organizations on climate change and carbon management related topics.