
Verification of emission reports

verico SCE is your accredited partner to audit your emission reports as an independent body. With us as auditing partners, the legal requirements are met and in general, the credibility of your activities for more sustainability increases.

Emission reports in accordance with § 7 paragraph 3 SESTA have to be verified by an independent expert testing body – such as verico SCE. This obligation is initially suspended for the years 2021 and 2022 (§ 7 paragraph 2 EBeV 2022). More to follow…

Do you have any questions? You can reach us by email at:

Foto: / Andreas Breitling

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Energy Efficiency Directive (EED)

Energy Audits

The EU Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) 2012/27/EU obliges all companies (other than those covered by the definition of a small or medium-sized enterprise (SME)) to carry out an energy audit in accordance with EN 16247-1 at least every four years. The first deadline was 05/12/2015. There are separate deadlines for companies that fall within the definition later..

Companies that already have a certified energy management system according to EN ISO 50001 or an environmental management system according to EMAS are exempt from the obligation to carry out the energy audit.

An energy audit in accordance with EN 16247-1 sets requirements for:

  • the energy auditor (including competence, objectivity, transparency)
  • elements of the energy audit process (including kick-off meeting, data collection)
  • necessary outdoor missions (including site inspections)
  • the analysis of the results
  • the report form
  • holding a closing meeting

With its range of services, verico SCE can support you with the performance of energy audits as well as with the certification of your energy management system according to EN ISO 50001. Make sure your approach meets the legal requirements. Feel free to contact us.

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National Greenhouse Gas (GHG) inventories

Audits / Verification

The 2006 IPCC Guidelines, consider the conduct of audits and verification by independent third parties as an important element of quality assurance and quality control in the preparation of national inventory reports for reporting to the UNFCCC. An external audit proves to be a useful element of quality assurance in national reporting and should be repeated at regular intervals.

The objective of quality management audits for inventory development, in addition to reviewing compliance with the quality requirements of the IPCC 2006 Guidelines, is to identify potential for improvement and potential risks to maintaining data quality. Specific improvement potentials for all emission categories to be examined if identified, can then be integrated into the continuous improvement process.

The verification of the aggregated data of a national inventory includes plausibility checks by means of relevant indicators, comparison with corresponding characteristics of the inventories of other states, as well as cross-checks based on published data from independent sources.

Verico SCE’s expert network includes specialists for emissions and also emission reduction potential in all sectors and activities relevant to greenhouse gas emissions. We help governments to ensure the quality of their greenhouse gas emissions data and monitor the success of their actions.

Take advantage of our services and ensure the effectiveness of your efforts .

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Verifying CO2 footprint

Independent assessment

As an accredited organization for the audit of greenhouse gas balances according to ISO14065, we verify the correctness and completeness of the co2 footprint information and thus increase the credibility, transparency and comparability of information. Talk to us about the extent to which your CO2 footprint can be certified or if you are at the very beginning of a project.

If we have aroused your interest, please contact us for further information at

On the way to becoming climate neutral, it is crucial to know the CO2 footprint of your own company, on the way to becoming climate neutral. Part of these climate protection-relevant activities in a company can be a carbon footprint management system. We have summarized our expertise in this topic in a verico guide for a carbon footprint management system, which you are welcome to obtain free of charge from us. In doing so, we build on the High-Level Structure (HLS) known from the current series of standards. This allows you to easily integrate climate management into existing processes.

The CO2 footprint is a measure of the total amount of all greenhouse gas emissions (expressed in CO2 equivalents) that arise or are caused directly or indirectly in the manufacture of your products or the provision of your services. This measure of the climate impact of all our activities has become increasingly important in recent years.

If you know your footprint, more targeted climate protection measures can be taken to achieve the desired climate goals. Verified data on their CO2 footprint are now being used by more and more consumers and business partners in their decision-making.

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Energy Management Systems – ISO 50001


  • You realized that you may benefit from the introduction of an energy management system, due to the fact that energy presents a crucial cost factor which you would like to reduce in a systematic and continuous way?
  • Sustainability represents a crucial asset for your enterprise and you advocate a careful use of resources?
  • You want to use the legal opportunities for a reimbursement of the electricity taxes and/or subsidies for your industrial activities on a permanent basis and to put the required documentation of the adoption of energy efficiency measures on a sound and systematic basis?
  • You are subject to regulations of the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) and you deliberately decided to introduce an energy management system in line with DIN EN ISO 50001 requirements?
  • You are searching for a certification organization, which apprehends your complex operations and understands the technological background behind production processes as well as your supply requirements?

Then you already adopted an energy management system that could be certified in line with the ISO 50001 standards or you are on your way to establish it. Contact us now!

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Expert Training

Training Courses – Seminars – Workshops

We provide necessary resources to authorities, institutes or companies for:

  • the construction of a greenhouse gas monitoring system,
  • the staffing of local validation and verification organizations,
  • the expansion of the fields of activity of an accreditation organization,
  • the construction of an energy management system,
  • conducting energy audits.

It makes sense that the experts working in the local market will go through an adequate training program. A train-the-trainer concept can be used to train multipliers for the further diversification of knowledge in the familiar linguistic and cultural or business environment in a cost-effective and sustainable manner.

Participants update and deepen their expertise in tailor-made training courses, seminars and workshops either in your company, in your home country or in our offices. Ask for!

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Upstream Emission Reductions

About current topics in the UER market

May 2024

As you may have heard, there have been rumors and press interest in UER projects in recent weeks, not least a TV report that also puts us in a bad light. At Verico SCE, we are generally committed to the highest possible quality standards, also because such standards are inevitably relevant to the implementation of many guidelines such as CBAM and ecologically relevant markets in general. This commitment to quality is the basis of our accredited business activities. The allegations of not having recognized or even accepted deception or forgery call into question the reputation of our company as a whole and we are
doing everything we can to clarify them. If the allegations prove to be correct, we see ourselves as the injured party and will pursue the facts using legal means.

However, the results of any investigative work can only be finally evaluated after it has been completed. We have therefore spent a lot of time and effort explaining to the media how

  • validation and verification should be carried out,
  • the associated rules on confidentiality of information should be taken into account,
  • project-related concerns should be assessed, and
  • we are in contact and cooperating with the Federal Environment Agency in the
    context of the investigations already underway for which it is responsible.

Unfortunately, there currently seems to be an orchestrated effort to influence processes and markets. In doing so, we find that issues are also taken out of context and presented incompletely. Although we generally like to go into detail, we will limit ourselves to general explanations here. If you have specific questions and concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Validation and Verification

EU Directive 2015/652 establishing calculation methods and reporting requirements under Directive 98/70 / EC on the quality of petrol and diesel fuels creates incentives for greenhouse gas emission (GHG) emission reductions by introducing upstream emission reductions (UER) including but not limited to flaring and degassing, which may be included in the calculation of life cycle greenhouse gas emissions limited by the Directive.

“Upstream emissions” are all greenhouse gas emissions that occur before the raw material reaches a refinery or processing plant. UER from any country can be credited as greenhouse gas emissions reductions on any fuels of any supplier from any other source of raw materials. UER are determined and validated according to principles and standards contained in international standards, in particular ISO 14064, ISO 14065 and ISO 14066.

The monitoring, reporting and verification of UER and baseline emissions must be in accordance with ISO 14064. Verification of methods for determined UER must be in accordance with ISO 14064-3 and the verifier must be accredited to ISO 14065. EU member states are responsible for transposing the directive into national law, which may include other requirements. Specifically, the German Upstream Emission Reduction Ordinance (UERO) places particularly high demands here, which is reflected in a corresponding price for certificates from such registered and verified projects.

Verico SCE is accredited by DAkkS (German Accreditation Body) under ISO 14065 including specific reference to ISO 14064-2 (emission reduction projects) and registered by the German Emissions Trading Authority (DEHSt) as validator and verifier under UERO (Upstream Emission Reduction Ordinance). This allows us to validate project planning documents (PDD) and, if necessary, verifications of the achieved emission reductions according to the German UERO, as well as the equivalent regulations of most other EU member states. We see ourselves as the leading service provider with the largest number of references.

Contact us!

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Climate Protection Projects

Validation and Verification

The standard ISO 14064-3 provides guidance for the validation and verification of greenhouse gas declarations. Validation is a systematic, independent and documented process for assessing the project documentation of a (planned) climate protection project in relation to the agreed validation criteria. By analogy, verification means a systematic, independent and documented process for assessing a report on the achieved emission reductions of a realized climate protection project in relation to the agreed verification criteria.

Requirements for the content of a project documentation and a monitoring report of a climate protection project can be found in ISO 14064-2. The validation or verification criteria can be defined between the client (mostly the project owner) and the executing validation/verification organization, but usually reference is made to a valid set of rules (e.g. the Clean Development Mechanism of the UNFCCC) or recognized (voluntary) standards (e.g. Gold Standard , V erified C arbon S standard).

Verico SCE is accredited by the German Accreditation Body (DAkkS) as a valdiation/verification organization according to ISO 14065 for the validation and verification of climate protection projects according to ISO 14064-2. Our members have been involved as lead auditors in numerous validations and verifications since the implementation of the flexible mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol. Our leadership team is actively involved in ISO 14065 committe and participates as a stakeholder in the United Nations annual climate change conferences.

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Climate Policy

Capacity Building MRV

  • Do you want to establish an efficient GHG monitoring system for maintaining your national GHG inventory?
  • Are you responsible for quality assurance / quality control of a national GHG inventory report following the IPCC 2006 guidelines and do you want to apply the recommended approach of external audits?
  • Do your country’s NDCs need to be substantiated by transparent, high quality data and is your intention to build in-country capacities in monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) of ghg emissions, sinks and reductions?
  • Does your understanding of sustainable development include the creation of local resources, the improving of education and a demand for knowledgeable local personnel?
  • Do you want to ensure that your investments in climate change mitigation, in the set-up of new organizational structures or costly ghg data bases deliver measurable and transparent results?
  • Do you want to ensure that the development of a local carbon market for ghg verifiers including a robust accreditation scheme is made at reasonable costs and results in a globally accepted scheme?

If so, you have good reasons to consider our services delivered by a team of experts with an unrivalled competence in MRV of greenhouse gases at corporate, sectoral and national level.

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Fluorinated greenhouse gases

Verification of reports according to the F-gas regulation

Article 19 of Regulation (EC) No 517/2014 requires that production, import, including gases in equipment, export of bulk gases, feedstock use and destruction of the substances listed in Annexes I or II in the Regulation are reported annually before 31 March, for the previous calendar year. The Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1191/2014 of 30/10/2014 determines the format and means for submitting the report. Companies must submit their reports using the electronic reporting tool provided by the European Environmental Agency (EEA), accessible from the F-gas portal on the website of the European Commission.

Who has to report?

  • Producers, importers or exporters that produced, imported or exported one metric tonne or 100 tonnes of CO2 equivalent or more fluorinated greenhouse gases and gases listed in Annex II, including companies (producers or importers) to which quotas have been transferred.
  • Undertakings that destroyed one metric tonne or 1000 tonnes of CO2 equivalent or more of fluorinated greenhouse gases and gases listed in Annex II.
  • Undertakings that used 1000 tonnes of CO2 equivalent of fluorinated greenhouse gases as feedstock.
  • Undertakings that placed 500 tonnes of CO2 equivalent of fluorinated gases or gases listed in Annex II contained in products or equipment on the market (but no obligation to report if these gases were bought on the EU market or imported as bulk (“released for free circulation”) previous to being put in the equipment).
  • Undertakings that placed on the market pre-charged refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump equipment where hydrofluorocarbons contained in this equipment have not previously been placed on the Union market. Before 31 March 2018 and every year thereafter, the underlying declaration of conformity has to pass a verification, i.e. an independent auditor verifies the accuracy of the declaration of conformity as per IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2016/879 and confirms conformity at a reasonable level of assurance.

With reference to our accreditation verico SCE can offer to verify your report covering all aspects including manufacturing, import, export and usage of fluorinated greenhouse gases. We can already refer to several producers, suppliers and traders for which we could verify their production, import and export data.

Contact us and we will provide you an offer for the verification of your reporting.

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