Energy Efficiency Directive (EED)

Energy Audits

The EU Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) 2012/27/EU obliges all companies (other than those covered by the definition of a small or medium-sized enterprise (SME)) to carry out an energy audit in accordance with EN 16247-1 at least every four years. The first deadline was 05/12/2015. There are separate deadlines for companies that fall within the definition later..

Companies that already have a certified energy management system according to EN ISO 50001 or an environmental management system according to EMAS are exempt from the obligation to carry out the energy audit.

An energy audit in accordance with EN 16247-1 sets requirements for:

  • the energy auditor (including competence, objectivity, transparency)
  • elements of the energy audit process (including kick-off meeting, data collection)
  • necessary outdoor missions (including site inspections)
  • the analysis of the results
  • the report form
  • holding a closing meeting

With its range of services, verico SCE can support you with the performance of energy audits as well as with the certification of your energy management system according to EN ISO 50001. Make sure your approach meets the legal requirements. Feel free to contact us.